This ministry is an Apostolic House of Prayer with a global mandate, authentically designed by God to help build and develop people and locations into houses of prayer for all nations. The foundation of this ministry is to enforce the importance of an intimate relationship with the Lord through the Word and Prayer. We properly demonstrate, train, and develop people individually to advance into a Corporate mandate for prayer. This ministry is anointed to effectively preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ with signs and wonders following. We are graced to fully equip believers for the work of the ministry. We are anointed to not only activate the gifts of the Spirit in the lives of believers but to help cultivate the fruit of the Spirit and Godly character for effective works in the Army of the Lord.
About Us

We Believe, the Bible is the only Infalliable, Inspired, and Authoritative Word of God.
We Believe, there is only one True and Living God, Eternally existent in three persons: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
We Believe, Jesus Christ is the Son of God; in His Death, Burial, Resurrection; in His Diety and His Humanity; in His Virgin Birth; in His Sinless Life; in His Intimate Communion with the Father; in His Miracles; in His Power; in His Vicarious and Atoning death through his shed Blood; in His Ascension to the Right Hand of the Father; in His Present Rulership as Head of the Church; and in His Return in All Power and Glory.
We Believe, in the Salvation of the Lost through the Acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; and that We Must Be Born Again.
We Believe, in the Present and Active Ministry of the Holy Spirit; in All of His Manifestations; that it is Absolutely Essential to Experience the Baptism and Indwelling of the Holy Spirit to be Empowered to Live a Godly Life.
We Believe, in Eternal Life for the Saved (Heaven) and Eternal Damnation for the Lost (Hell).
We Believe, in Unity & Oneness through the Holy Spirit combined with the Belief in Jesus Christ (His Purpose, Nature, & Lifestyle) with no Race, Gender, or Class Differences.